

夏天是一个来去匆匆的疯狂季节, 有不同的活动和游客, 大量的阳光, 还有充足的精力来充分利用每一天. 在所有的乐趣中, 清洁家务可能会被忽视, 而秋天是深挖的好时机, thorough cleaning to restore your home and be ready for the coming winter.


夏天总是混乱的, 但是随着假期的结束, 学校时间表恢复, and life gets back into a familiar and stable daily routine in fall, 计划深层清洁工作更容易. Furthermore, since temperatures are falling, it’s cooler to work on outdoor fall home cleaning tasks. Studies have even shown that home office workers can be more productive in clean, 整洁的空间, 学生和家庭作业也是如此. Once the days have shortened and the weather has worsened into winter, 你会很高兴花时间做了一次彻底的秋季大扫除, as you can be more comfortable and at ease without unfinished cleaning tasks on the to-do list.


When planning fall housecleaning, consider what tasks need to be done and how long each one may take. 你可能更喜欢用一个完整的周末来打扫卫生, 或者在不同的周末做不同的家务. 根据自己的需要调整清洁计划, taking into account how the weather may change as well as other commitments that impact how much cleaning you can accomplish at one time. Enlist the entire family to contribute to the effort and everyone will feel productive and part of the cleaning process, helping all family members feel invested in how nice the home looks and what it takes to keep it clean.


Start your fall home cleaning with all the typical tasks – vacuuming, 除尘, 擦洗浴室, 等. But to really deep clean your home and make it ready for fall and winter, 将这些杂务添加到房屋清洁待办事项中:

  • 清洁窗户 Wash every window inside and out to make the most of limited fall and winter sunshine. 如果窗户有纱窗, 要确保它们保养良好,并擦过灰尘, 或者把它们完全去掉,直到春天.
  • 清洁雨槽 Unclog and clean out gutters and downspouts to ensure water can flow properly away from the roof and the home’s foundation. This will minimize the risk of winter ice dams that can cause leaking and damage.
  • 排水和储存软管 Disconnect and thoroughly drain garden hoses so they won’t freeze in winter. Use covers over outdoor spigots to minimize the risk of frozen pipes, 同时给灌溉系统防寒.
  • 把夏天院子里的东西收起来 清理并收好夏季户外用品, 比如天井家具, 玩具, 或者是冬天来了就不用的园艺用品. 这样可以防止这些物品被冰雪损坏.
  • 防尘或真空窗处理 是否有窗帘, 百叶窗, 阴影, 或百叶窗, 它们会聚集灰尘, 指纹, 和其他碎片. Clean them well, or consider washing and ironing draperies or curtains if necessary.
  • 清洁内部,下面和后面的电器 彻底清洁所有电器的内部和周围, including the washer and dryer as well as the stove and refrigerator. 这不仅能让电器保持最佳状态, 但会消除异味,提高操作效率.
  • 擦洗垃圾桶 每个垃圾桶都能偶尔捕捉到碎屑、水滴或水滴. Instead of just changing the bags, scrub out trash cans to eliminate any sticky residue. 这也会减少异味,尤其是户外垃圾桶.
  • 洗装饰床上用品 而床单和枕套全年都在洗, 秋季大扫除是洗毛毯的好机会, 安慰的人, 枕头, 沙姆斯, and other decorative bedding items to remove dust and keep them fresh.
  • 真空和翻转床垫 趁床上的被褥都掉了, it’s a great time to vacuum mattress tops using a crevice tool to get into every nook and cranny. 同时, flip and rotate the mattresses (if possible) so they will wear evenly.
  • 移动和清洁家具的后面和下面 Dust, crumbs, loose change, and plenty of other debris quickly accumulates under furniture. 把所有家具从墙上移开,并清理家具下面. If possible, angle the furniture so its undercarriage can also be dusted.
  • 灰尘和修剪室内植物 Get indoor greenery looking its best by gently 除尘 houseplant foliage. Prune any shriveled leaves, or consider repotting the plants entirely if they have become root bound. 也别忘了给人造植物除尘.
  • 抛光木家具 Polish wood furniture with appropriate finishes to remove minor scratches, 水印, 指纹, 还有其他污迹. If the furniture is severely scratched or nicked, consider sanding and refinishing it completely.
  • 打扫门道和门框 灰尘甚至可以积聚在很小的表面上,包括门框. 小心掸去门和门框顶部的灰尘, and check how each door closes in case any adjustments to the hinges or knobs may be necessary. 给铰链上油,防止发出吱吱声.
  • 吊扇 Dust the blades of every ceiling fan, but take care not to unbalance the fan with too much pressure. 每个风扇清洗完毕后, change the rotation direction so it will push down warmer air for more efficient winter airflow and heating.
  • 除尘或清洗灯具 Thoroughly dust light fixtures, including the bulbs (do this carefully when the lights are off!)最大化照明. If needed, change bulbs to brighter options for winter, or opt for more energy-efficient bulbs.
  • 清洁地脚线 用抹布擦拭所有的踢脚板,清除灰尘和污垢, 必要时使用湿抹布去除粘渍. Attaching a rag to a broom head can make this chore easier without as much bending.
  • 清洁和除尘墙 用干拖把或长柄抹布清洁墙壁, 尤其是在蜘蛛网通常不会被注意到的角落里. If necessary, consider touch up paint to cover small nicks, scratches, or holes.
  • 更换空气过滤器 到处都是灰尘, fall is definitely the time to change air filters on the furnace or air conditioner. 这不仅有助于保持家里的空气更清新, 但也将提高电器效率,以更好地节省开支.
  • 检查并改进防风雨条 Check around each window and exterior door for any air leaks or drafts, 并根据需要安装额外的防风雨条. If the existing weather stripping is already worn, replace it to keep the cold out and the warmth in.
  • 清洁地毯和地毯 Use stain removers and scrub brushes to spot clean where needed on carpets and rugs. 在交通繁忙的地区或者地毯特别脏的地方, consider renting a carpet shampooer or hiring professional carpet cleaning.
  • 更换烟雾探测器电池 更换所有烟雾和一氧化碳探测器电池, 检查每个报警器,确保它没有灰尘或损坏. Test alarms to be sure they work, or consider installing newer, upgraded designs for improved safety.
  • 清理壁炉 如果你有壁炉, fall is the perfect time to get it in shape with a thorough cleaning, 包括前屏和扫烟囱. Have it inspected for safety and be sure you have the proper tools on hand for cozy fall and winter fires.
  • 清洁餐具室 Clean out the pantry and kitchen cupboards, removing any crumbs and accumulated dust. 同时, check foods’ expiration dates and rotate older items to the front so they can be used more quickly. 记下冬天需要储备的东西.
  • 整理衣橱 Clean out closets, donating, selling, or tossing out clothes that no longer fit or won’t be worn. 如果你按季节改变你的衣橱, 现在是时候把运动衫拿出来了, 毛衣, 手套, 还有几个月没人见过的靴子.
  • 清理汽车 While you’re doing your fall home cleaning, don’t forget to clean your car. 扔掉垃圾, 真空彻底, 洗掉仪表盘, and consider adding new floor mats that can stand up to fall and winter moisture.

在秋天进行一次彻底的家庭清洁有很多事情要做, 但每次只做一件事,每个房间都要做, 随着季节的变化,你可以很容易地照亮和刷新你的家. This will help your home look and feel its best just when you’re spending more time indoors, and you’ll be ready to welcome the holiday season with a clean and cozy home.